When I took this photo, I thought I had taken a picture of a California Scrub Jay with an acorn in its beak.
When I looked at the image on my computer, however, I saw that this Scrub Jay had actually collected two acorns in its beak. (It reminded me of a dog I knew who could carry two tennis balls in its mouth…and kept trying to get a third.)
Some jays (the Eurasian Jay, for example) can carry acorns in their gullet. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find anything about California Scrub Jays doing so. Their limits seems to be about three in the beak. I’ll be on the lookout for that.

(This photo is from the Archives–November 12, 2020. I had not yet learned the value of shooting RΑW, so I wasn’t able to process this image as much as I might have liked.)